What are the Benefits of ZEOCLAY?

What are the Benefits of ZEOCLAY?

There are thousands and thousands of products available for improving skin health. So why choose ZEOCLAY?

ZEOCLAY is made from 100% all-natural Zeolite Clinoptilolite, which is a natural mineral with unique properties that make it beneficial for skin care. It has a very high absorption rate, which means it can effectively remove impurities and toxins from the skin. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory, making it effective in reducing redness and irritation.

Clinoptilolite zeolite has a pH balance similar to that of human skin, which makes it gentle and non-irritating. It has also been shown to have antioxidant properties, helping to protect the skin from environmental stressors and prevent premature aging.

Clinoptilolite zeolite is a versatile and effective ingredient in skin care products that can improve the health and appearance of the skin. 

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