The History of Clinoptilolite (Zeolite)

The History of Clinoptilolite (Zeolite)

How has Clinoptilolite Been Used Historically? 

Clinoptilolite, the active ingredient in ZEOCLAY, is a naturally occurring zeolite mineral with a unique crystalline structure that has been utilized for centuries for a variety of medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The ancient Egyptians are thought to have used clinoptilolite as a natural detoxifier, while the Greeks and Romans used it as a digestive aid.

More recently, clinoptilolite has gained popularity as an ingredient in skin care products due to its ability to absorb impurities and excess oil, making it an effective treatment for acne-prone skin. In addition to its purifying properties, clinoptilolite is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, making it a useful tool in the fight against aging and damaged skin. 

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